This is my entry to the Summer Incremental Game Jam 2024, with the theme of "evasion" as the inspiration.

It was a short, fun game to make. It has about 30 minutes of content.

There is currently a bug if you're playing on mobile—one tap registers as several. After the jam's judging period I'll fix that and a couple other little visual bugs I caught. This was my second game ever and my first try at making something mobile-friendly. I learned a lot while doing this.

If you like this game and want more, leave me a comment.

Edit 8/3/24 after jam ended: Fixed the mobile bug.

Development log


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(1 edit) (+3)

I thought this was really fun. Well-spaced upgrades, auto-dodge comes good and early allowing for some afk progress, simple and clear animations. Some of the combos were mind-benders trying to get right! My brain is stupid.

The left button on screen didn't work for me when clicking on it with the mouse (I was playing in my browser, FF ver.128.0, Win10) but was fine with arrow keys.

Edit: I don't know who you are in the Discord, so leaving feedback here.


Thanks, I'm glad you liked it 🙂

I'll look into the button issue, I appreciate those details